When someone comes into your organization needing assistance, do you give them money, turn them away or are you concerned that maybe your staff isn’t educated about how to best handle the situation?
Hope Haven presents CARE Training. We’ve created this curriculum by taking our decade of experience in helping those in crisis, wisdom and the Bible to help our partners best assist those in crisis situations.
We partner with your organization to equip your staff and volunteers with the tools they need to make an educated assessment of the individual. We train you and your staff to determine the urgency and level of help your individual needs and then we become your resource for providing the proper assistance they need based on your assessment.
We do all the training, you name the place and date.
Together, let’s make a lasting impact by helping those in crisis become self-sufficient and empower them to break the cycle of just surviving.
Contact us to schedule a consult.
We build relationships with individuals on the streets as a means to inspire a sense of purpose.
Unlike other programs, we view individuals holistically, addressing mental, spiritual, and physical health needs.
We provide life skills training and help connect with job readiness and job training programs.
Each person is surrounded by a mentorship team dedicated to their lifelong success.